Multiple Representations, Document Analysis, Mathematics TextbookAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the multiple representations of questions in the 8th and 9th-grade mathematics textbooks of the Ministry of National Education. Within the scope of the study, the distribution of representations in the 8th and 9th-grade mathematics textbooks and the transitions between representations at different grade levels have been investigated. This qualitative study utilized document analysis as its method. A descriptive analysis was conducted within the framework of multiple representations on 939 questions with 355 solutions from the 8th-grade mathematics textbook, and on 1096 questions with 522 solutions from the 9th-grade mathematics textbook. Representation types were categorized into five headings: symbolic, verbal, visual, model, and realistic. According to the research findings, the most frequently used representation type in both the 9th and 8th-grade MEB textbooks is symbolic representation. Alongside symbolic representations, visual representations are also extensively used, while the usage rate of model and realistic representations is considerably low. The preference for verbal representations is lower in the 9th-grade textbook compared to the 8th-grade textbook. Comparative analysis results reveal the continuity of representations in common topics such as data, equations and inequalities, and triangles found in the 8th and 9th-grade textbooks. It is observed that the most and least preferred representation types are the same in all common topics.
Keywords: Multiple representations, document analysis, mathematics textbook.
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